Sunday, March 20, 2011

Try Fertility Yoga to Become Pregnant

Giving birth (reproduction)is the greatest miracle of the nature. This happens naturally with just an intension. The optimum state for reproduction is nature at its purest form. Any type of impurities and contamination of that pure state can hinder nature from manifesting this miracle. Stress both mental and physical can be a reason for the infertility. So with a strong belief in mind-body purity as an answer for our infertility of unknown cause, we have determined to try the method of yoga that our yoga trainer calls “motherhood yoga” and known widely as fertility yoga as men also practice them. Fertility yoga are a series of asanas considered to give a boost to both body and mind and tone parts of the body associated with reproduction.

Stress, both physical and psychological, will surely have a damaging impact on your efforts to conceive. Yoga is considered to be among the best ways to de-stress your life. Through yoga will be taught strategies which help you to keep an eye on your negative responses in day to day life. The type of yoga that is practiced focusing on the advantages in enhancing fertility isn't particularly designed but is numerous postures that are considered to help fertility and grouped together.

It combines the fundamental principles of yoga with particular postures which have been planned to improve reproductive health. Anxiety reduction is one of the ways in which yoga might help enhance fertility. Yoga will relax the pelvic organs and encourage fertility. Through yoga breathing techniques, poses and relaxation techniques you will reduce the stress not just in your muscle mass but in addition within your organs.

You can start this motherhood yoga at the beginning itself when you are undergoing fertility treatments for better results of the treatment and it can assist you in your pursuit so that you simply be able to conceive. Fertility yoga is a unique type of yoga that focuses on the postures and poses to directly aid the reproductive organs to help you conceive easily. It truly is suitable for both men and women. You will be able to find natural solutions to the infertility problem and reduce the total amount of stress in your life to present you with the best opportunities to become pregnant.

As said earlier fertility yoga is developed from the basic principles and traditional postures of yoga. It could actually provide help to increase the rate of conception by improving your physical and mental health through reducing the effects of stress. Fertility yoga combines stretching movements with breathing techniques. This healing series of breath and movement particularly focused for the reproductive and hormonal system. This really is one of the natural options to your sterility problem and reduces the total amount of stress inside your life to provide you with the best opportunities to become pregnant.

Holistic practitioners agree of the fact that de-stressing techniques of yoga are a strong tool in aiding conception. Fertility yoga has proven time and again to assist improve the possibilities of pregnancy when undergoing fertility remedies in addition to boosting your fertility naturally. Fertility yoga helps your body to keep homeostasis, which is important for our body to work properly at it’s best contiion.

This yoga pays attention to particular poses and stretches aimed toward providing strength and strength to reproductive organs and various hormonal glands in the body. By merely adding a small number of specific yoga poses to the day to day life, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant by about -50%. Fertility Yoga is a way to redirect attention away from the stress of invasive methods of treatments. Yoga classes focus on relaxing poses, meditation and visualization to get an optimal hormonal balance.

If you cut stress in your life you can increase fertility although , the advantages of Yoga are many-sided. Holistic fertility centers flourish today in response due to the sizable number of couples who're waiting for a longer time to get pregnant and discover that their are just getting older. These fertilty centers present every kind of alternative therapies including massage, acupuncture, and fertility yoga. These yoga sessions could be practiced alone or along with your partner.

We're intentionally not giving any names of the postures and are not any describing them. We believe that you should always put into practice yoga under the guidance of an experience yoga instructor or perhaps a yoga master, as we call them. It's all the more important to get a guide when you try fertility yoga due to the continual intension to wish to maintain and also the pure meditative state you have to maintain in the course of the practice. Hope this would help you.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Major Causes You Should Know For Female Infertility

The simple answer for the question “how to get pregnant?” is as simple as the questions itself “have sex.” If you are not getting pregnant after having unprotected sex for over a year, then you may have one of more of the problems which we are going to describe below. Getting solutions medically for your infertility problems is recommended throughout this blog, but medicine treats your problem, it is the nature which heals. We are going to put in as many posts as possible in this website describing alternative treatments for infertility to get pregnant.

Before choosing something like so called “Chinese methods” you need to know the causes of infertility and consult the Fertility Clinic in your locality. There are many causes for female infertility both structural and hormonal. We are explaining each cause and their possible solutions below, go through them one by one.

Knowing these reasons may not help you in getting pregnant or you many understand clearly your problem of infertility when ob/gyn physician explain it to you. In addition, if you are someone like us who believe that the process of pregnancy is more mental and spiritual than just medical, you may benefit from other posts in this website.

Ovulation Problems:

Problems in releasing of eggs from ovary results in infertility are listed in this cause. Most of the reasons are hormonal. Many glands take part in helping the ovaries to release eggs; malfunction in any of these glands can result in infertility. These glands include pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, hypothalamus, and female genital organs. If hypothalamus malfunctions and fail to release gonadotropin releasing hormone which stimulates pituitary gland to produce hormones which trigger releasing of eggs, you will not get pregnant.

Apart from hormonal other reasons for ovulation problems are weight loss, overweight or obesity, excessive stress etc. The symptoms of ovulation problems are absence of periods, infrequent and irregular periods, excessive bleeding or scanty bleeding. Possible treatments for this cause of infertility are drugs like Clomid (Clomiphene) which stimulate ovulation, HCG human chorionic gonadotropin, and in-vitro fertilization. Success rate is around 20 to 70 percent with these treatments but not 100% which is the reason we have started this website.

Female Tubes (Fallopian Tubes) Blockage:

This condition prevents eggs from reaching the uterus and blocks sperms in getting to the egg. There are many causes for fallopian tube blockage including pelvic inflammatory disease, endometrosis, sexually transmitted infections, abnormal structure of fallopian tubes, ectopic pregnancy, surgery to the pelvis which results in adhesions (scar tissue). The possible treatment is through surgery (laparoscopic) if the area of blockage is small and IVF. Success rate depends on the extent of blockage and varies from 20% to 70%.


This is the major cause for infertility in woman and is caused when the endometrium grows outside the uterus. There are many symptoms of this condition like heavy bleeding, miscarriages, painful periods etc. The possible treatments for this condition of infertility includes surgery (laparoscopic) to remove the abnormal endometrial tissue, and also IVF. The success rate is reported as 40% to 60%.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome:

In this condition, ovaries develop many cysts and as a result do not ovulate due to hormonal imbalances. The treatment for this condition of infertility includes ovulation stimulating drugs like Clomid (Clomifene), follicle-stimulating hormone, and IVF. The success rates of treatment are reported as 70%.

Other than these major causes age of the woman plays an important role in infertility. The quality of eggs become poor as the woman grows older leading to infertility. In addition, the woman may also suffer from one of the infertility conditions described above.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why Stress Free Life is Important to Get Pregnant

A few months back, we have posted an article in this blog about meditation to help you getting pregnant. The meditation technique is basically designed to lead a peaceful and stress-free life.

The reason for us to post this meditation technique is that we came to know that many women get pregnant once they decide to stop trying to get pregnant. Many women got pregnant once they decided to go the adoption route. Similarly, there are instances where women get pregnant after adoption.

The main reason for there sudden and unexpected pregnancy is a life devoid of stress and anxiety of not getting pregnant. There are many medically known reasons for infertility and some of them can be treated medically with some success. But sometimes the cause for infertility cannot be diagnosed medically, and we think that you are hindering the natural process by your lifestyle physically, mentally, and spiritually.

We will be writing different alternative methods which may help you get pregnant like yoga in the future. In the meantime, we would like to practice the meditation techniques posted earlier this year here.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ovulation Calculators and Calenders

There are many free ovulation calendars and ovulation calculators available online. These will help you to calculate approximately the most fertile time of the month. You can create personalized ovulation calendars for help. You will be asked to simply fill in the details of first day of last menstrual period, average length of the menstrual cycle.

You can find one here.