Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Top Six Tips For Fast Pregnancy

Getting pregnant is a process and you need to know the steps involved and act accordingly. Ovaries release egg every month stimulated by the hormones secreted by pituitary gland. Once released the egg travels to one of the two fallopian tubes. This is right time to get pregnant. Here are few tips to hit the target perfectly.

Tip 1: The most basic action anybody should focus on to become pregnant is having sex. If you are someone who wants to get pregnant and having unprotected sex for this but still not missing your periods, you are probably missing the target instead.

There are precisely two ways to hit bull’s-eye, one is firing more rounds and the other one is learning how to aim perfectly. The advice here is simple just have more sex. Not just routine boring sex, use your own methods to get excited about sex and have satisfied sex. Have sex for what actually it is…. the highest form of pleasure experienced by body and also mind if love is involved.

Tip 2: Okay even if you decided to fire many rounds, it would be useful to learn to aim well. And if you decided to that you cannot afford many rounds and need to hit the bull’s-eye in just few shots then it is very important for you to learn to aim well and aim perfectly. The following tips help you in aiming well to get pregnant naturally, easily and fast.

Tip 3: Using the calendar method to aim at the ovulation period. You have to use either a day planner or just a calendar and mark the day when your period begins every month and number of days your menstruation lasts each month. If you have a normal and consistent menstrual cycle of 28-days then ovulation would begin in about 14 days after the day of your last period began.

But if your menstrual cycles are longer than normal 28 days, then some experts recommend that you subtract 18 from the shortest cycle days and then when your next period begins add these many days and the next week would probably be most fertile days. This method of using your calendar is not the perfect one to aim well, but would be very useful and successful if you are also having a lot of sex these days.

Tip 4: This method of aiming well to get pregnant requires a basal body thermometer. Basal body temperature is the body temperature when you are at rest fully. This method helps you because ovulation may often cause a slight increase in your basal temperature which will be less than one degree. The temperature increases and remains steady for three days or more after ovulation occurred. You should know that you have to aim on all two or three days before the raise of temperature. This method works well only if you know on which days of the period cycle your temperature is rising consistently and then aim for the two to three days before the raise. This will take few months to target well and succeed but is a good method to follow along with other aiming methods to get pregnant.

Tip 5: There will be increase in clear and mucous vaginal secretions just before ovulation occurs. I hope you know what mucous secretions are these looks like raw egg white, sticky. Increasing sexual activity these days would help in hitting the target perfectly and getting pregnant.

Tip 6: Trying ovulation predictor kits which are available easily without prescription over the counter in pharmacies is one of the best methods of aiming well for pregnancy. These kits are used to test you urine for sudden increase in hormones which happens just before ovulation. You have to strictly follow the instructions given by the manufacturer before using these ovulation kits. Trying ovulation along with increase in sex would lead to successful shooting. Do not decrease sexual intercourse just because you have the kit and know the exact day of ovulation, you may miss the target.

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